
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

fanwood here I come!

I know I told few of you that I am planning to do the VLOG on my decision. I didn’t like it very much because I am not myself in the video. Haha. Many of you know that I got job offered from New York School for the Deaf (Fanwood). This week I decided to accept the offer. I will be a guidance counselor.

It was a huge decision for me. East coast is too far for me to move. I talked with Dr. Wu & Dr. Beach (my former professors) and my former counselor Julie on if I should take the offer. Fortunately, I was able to talk with few people who work at Fanwood. My family told me to grab the chance. I also wrote the pros and cons about this school and town. I couldn’t sleep well for the past week.

Finally, I chose to accept the offer from Fanwood because I am looking for a personal growth. I need to step out of my comfortable zone. I am very satisfied with the salary and benefit. People from Fanwood told me that this town is good place for young people just like me. As a guidance counselor for this school I will focus on career and academic counseling. It will be new experience for me. It will make my resume look good.

I didn’t get guidance counselor position at California School for the Deaf, Fremont. I took it hard at first but I know God is telling me that I belong to somewhere else. I also didn’t get a job in Colorado. I haven’t do interview with two more schools. I am not going to take a risk and decline the offer from Fanwood. I am afraid if I decline and I end up didn’t get job from one of schools. I don’t want to be jobless for another year. Yes, I love Arizona School for the Deaf and Tucson because of my comfortable zone is there. I always can visit Tucson someday.

How do I feel right now? Scared, excited, and unsure. It is the same feelings when I first went to Gallaudet University and started my internship in Arizona last year. Deep in my heart… I know that I will be okay. If I am not happy with this school or my position I always can look for a new job next year.

I want to thank you for your amazing support.

Here’s a video of Fanwood:


Julie Navarro said...

So so so proud of you! :)

Kandace Morris said...

Thanks, Julie! :-)